Greater Memphis Chinese School
 Parent Teacher Association:

The goal of the PTA is to support our Chinese school, to help organizing school events, to improve school program or policies, to build strong working relationships between parents and teachers, in support of students.

PTA Chair: Mrs. Zhang, Chi (张驰)
PTA Co-Chair: Mr. Lin, Feng (林峰)
PTA Events

  • PTA 讲座 (二)- 如何培养数学娃
  • PTA 讲座 (一)- 如何最优化的调整家庭资产配置?
  •   St. Jude儿童医院walk/run 5K 活动
      Event Photo:

PTA 讲座 (二)- 如何培养数学娃

时间:2023年11月5日, 下午 2:35 - 3:30
地点: 教室 A209
Zoom online:
Zoom ID: 812 3678 3862
Passcode: 2023

PTA 讲座 (一)- 如何最优化的调整家庭资产配置?

时间:2023年9月24日, 下午 1:30 - 2:30
地点: 教室 A209