Greater Memphis Chinese School

Code of Conducts

The following is the School Code of Conduct for students, teachers, and parents. School administrate members and parent volunteers have the authority to enforce the rules.

  1. The teacher has the responsibility to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment. Teachers are empowered to employ progressive disciplinary measures as they deem appropriate. The following are the steps that the teacher can utilize. At any time, the teacher can send or call an administrator to have a disruptive student immediately removed from the classroom. In addition, the child could be immediately expelled at the discretion of the School Board.

    First Level: A conference between teacher, student, and parent
    Second Level: A written report will be submitted to GMCS Disciplinary Committee. Parents are copied. A parent will be required to be present in the classroom for a period that is determined by the teacher.
    Third Level: The matter will be turned over to the board and disciplinary actions could include expulsion.

  2. No food is allowed anywhere in school.

  3. Hallway Loitering and Conduct: All Students must stay in their classroom or in the cafeteria. Except for commuting between classes, nobody is allowed in the hallway. More over, commuting between classes should be done in an orderly manner. Running, yelling and screaming are not allowed inside the school building. Remember, the cafeteria is the only place you are allowed to be if you are not attending classes. Hanging around outside the school building is also not allowed.

  4. Unaccompanied Children: All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times when not attending classes. This is not required when the children are commuting between classes.

  5. Classrooms and any other rooms are for Classes: No student, parent or teacher should be in a classroom, computer labs and any other rooms when a class is not being held there.

  6. Admin Office is for the Admin Team: Only admin team members are allowed in the admin office.

  7. Respect Others' Property: The school teachers and students expect to find things on Monday morning the way they left them on Friday afternoon. Bring what you need for class with you and do not go through desks, drawers, cabinets or anything else that does not belong to you. You can only use the black board, chairs and desks, nothing else. If desks or other furniture have been rearranged for class, please return them to their original arrangement before leaving the room. We have had several incidents reported to us. The future of our Chinese school depends on maintaining a good relationship with the school community. We must all do our part.

  8. Keep the Campus Beautiful: We ask that all students, parents and teachers be mindful not to litter. In addition to being a place for learning class subjects, our school should be a place where good manners and proper behavior are developed. The adults should instruct the younger generation by example as well as by words. Please take care not to leave trash (including newspapers, bottles, cans, etc.) behind.